Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Updates to Come.. I Promise!

Life in the Midwest has been busy (and cold)!

I promise I haven't forgotten about updating, just a lack of internet service has made me feel so disconnected.

There is lots of activity going on over here though! I have lots to talk about.

I should have more time tomorrow to sit down and write a proper update.

I knew things in Chicago were going to be different, I just didn't know how different...

Yep. That's frost/ice on the car. Nice to wake up to the morning we were leaving for Chicago. I even got some snow flurries the first morning we were in Michigan.

But as for now, we've made it to Chicago and are trying to settle in the best we can over the next few days. We (finally) have internet and cable so we have something to listen to while unpacking aside from my bad renditions of whatever song comes on the stereo, and something other to watch than The Muppets. Which is what we watched instead of the election results last night. Let me tell you, I would rather watch The Muppets than Fox News any day. 

Until tomorrow, with love from Chicago.

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